Friday, March 14, 2008

> you tube and ken lee

this ken lee video has been going around the net for sometime now.

Write-ups say the contestant, valentina hasan, joined the second season of the Bulgarian show "music idol", performing her version of mariah carey's song "without you".

watch her audition:

in arathbenedek's description of this video, which has reached more than 1.3 million views as of this writing, he tried to be kind when he wrote:

This video is not intended for any ethnic tensions or historical debates. It's just a laugh, so I implore everyone to ignore any irrelevant comments and not to engage in pointless discussions.

watch valentina's return as guest in the "music idol" show and listen to her "improved english":

ken lee tulibu dibu douchoo. english? so what! but can you beat her confidence. if only for that, don't you think she deserves our standing ovation? Brava, Valentina!

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